The Sacred spiritual site of South India : Padmanabhaswamy Temple


The Padmanabhaswamy Temple, situated in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, and the temple is more than just an architectural marvel. The temple witness to centuries of devotion, rich history, and spiritual significance.

Origins and History

The temple’s origin trace back to the 8th century, making it one of the 108 Divya Desams—the holiest abodes of Lord Vishnu, as described by the Tamil Azhvars (a saints). Its fusion of Kerala and Tamil architecture creates a unique visual marvel that draws pilgrims and devotees.

The Deity: Lord Vishnu in Eternal Slumber(sleeping position)

At the centre of the temple lies the main deityLord Vishnu, reclining gracefully on the hooded serpent Anantha. This iconic posture, known as Anantha Shayana, symbolizes eternal yoga and cosmic harmony. The deity’s serene expression invites devotees to seek solace and enlightenment.

The Royal Connection

The temple’s history intertwines with the Travancore royal family. In a momentous act, on 17th January 1750Anizham Thirunal, the then ruler, surrendered the Kingdom of Travancore to Padmanabhaswamy, pledging that he and his descendants would serve as Padmanabha Dasa—vassals or agents of the deity, dedicated to the welfare of the kingdom.

Padmanabhaswamy Temple Architectures

The temple’s architecture reflects a harmonious blend of styles. Its towering gopurams, intricately carved pillars, and serene courtyards evoke a sense of divinity. The inner sanctumhouses the deity, while the outer precincts host various shrines dedicated to other gods and goddesses.

The Hidden Treasures

Beyond its spiritual allure, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple guards a secret—the world’s richest temple treasure. In 2011, an inventory revealed six vaults, five of which contained priceless golddiamondsjewelry, and antiques. The sixth vault, shrouded in mystery, remains unopened, fueling legends of unimaginable wealth.

Spiritual Practices and Rituals

Devotees flock to the temple during festivals like Alpashy festival and Laksha Deepam, witnessing grand processions, vibrant rituals, and the lighting of one lakh oil lamps. The temple’s sanctum echoes with the chanting of ancient hymns, connecting the mortal with the divine.

Visiting the Temple

When you step into the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, time seems to stand still. Remember to adhere to the dress code—men in dhotis and women in sarees. As you walk through the corridors, feel the weight of history and the blessings of countless pilgrims who have sought solace here.

How to Reach Padmanabhaswamy Temple: A Comprehensive Guide

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple, located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Whether you’re traveling from nearby cities or distant lands, here are the best ways to reach this sacred abode:

1. By Flight

  • Nearest airport is Trivandrum which is connected to important cities of country.

2. By Train

  • Nearest Railway Station is Thiruvananthapuram which is connected to every part of country by train line.


The Padmanabhaswamy Temple transcends mere stone and mortar. It embodies faith, devotion, and the timeless quest for spiritual awakening. As the sun sets over its ancient walls, one can’t help but wonder about the secrets it holds—the treasures, the legends, and the eternal slumber of Lord Vishnu.

In this sacred space, time converges, and the mortal touches the divine. The Padmanabhaswamy Temple beckons—a journey through time, a pilgrimage of the soul.

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